Tiny Mix Tapes



Smitten in the closest contact obtainable, the crackling across you imagination is less tangible audio and more-of: dream reality. No real narration. Labyrinth-like and cornered, dead-ended and portioned, the #GEMINISS takes listeners to a zone located in a reflection of negative-battling-imbalanced light. Colors run together. Hot and cold are better senseless. And like a child’s crayon book, proportions of almost-right; the area of your computer that you rarely visit, but when you do, it’s like witnessing a wonder of the world. Hidden, existent, and beheld in time. Smurphy awaits the exercise.

This new #GEMINISS by Smurphy can’t resist popping off. No tom-foolery. Gimmicks unrecycled. Knotted in sound as sculpture. Check it out via N◆A◆A◆F◆I streaming below:

• Smurphy: http://jesssmurphy.tumblr.com
• N◆A◆A◆F◆I: http://naafi.mx