Isn’t it strange how a layered snap or snare can give new life to a repurposed song? How an added blown out kick can make you feel more than the original ever did? Is it that we’re so guided by cheap direction that we slobber at the sound of an anchor dropped? I hope not. I hope its not that simple.
Two dispersed chaps by the names of Akeedro and Ohbliv get this, I think. Their collaborative album, OHBLEEDRO, makes riled up shit-kickers stop what they’re doing. Its actively calming. Less and more. Yes and no. Fuck it. It is what it is. And it is everything. Action and relaxation. Up and down. With the track list littered with songs like “1nceyeluvu” and “Tuned Out The Darkness,” how couldn’t you foresee such positive vibes? And then there’s “Night Luv,” “Moan in,” and “Pack n”. Things are apparent ‘round these parts. Horn.
Oh gawl, I almost forgot to talk about the music! How could I forget?! 80’s R&B and soul ballads and general cheese get demolished on OHBLEEDRO. The rubble gets glued together with kush ash, fingers, and file sharing sites, while bright lights are dimmed by hazed time and head-bent work atop 404s and crates. Go at this. Go in it. Am I done ripping off C, yet? Yeah, I suppose.
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• Ohbliv:
• Akeedro: