In Pacificity Soundvisions second volume of Fourth World Magazine, AR FAUST (film envisioner), Spencer Clark, and David Keenan dare to dive deep into the midst of Pinhead In Fantasia. My favorite part about Spencer Clark releases is their lore; Vol. 2 was constructed in the mindset of a temple pouring liquid gold from it’s sides, and bolts are flying around at violent speeds as Pinheads voice rips through the dreamers psyche. Also, this edition of Fourth World Magazine “is comprised [of] a 12 pg. ART AND TEXT TO BLOW YOUR OWN MIND,” much like The Spectacle Of Light Abductions, but I’m imagining Pinhead In Fantasia to adorn pictures of spiked brooms dancing their last whisk chained above a smoldering pit of blue embers.
The first taste we got from Vol. 2 is “FEMALE CENOBYTE’S DESCENT INTO KOMODO GARDEN.” The image I gather is of this being silhouetted by an island gate, standing before the greenest garden light can refract, and growing from the ground are tails and claws and heads of komodo dragons in all shapes and sizes. However, this female cenobyte is there for interpretation reasons, as if she’s judging Pinhead’s usage of creativity in the Fantasia realm. Here, the hierophant seeks out the sacred mysteries and arcane principles he’s used to build a world of trans-hedonism. Thus, her descent has just begun.
OH! And “FEMALE CENOBYTE’S DESCENT INTO KOMODO GARDEN” is a waltz, so get your box-step on. Also, head to Underwater Peoples (who’s a distributor or “sister” label of Pacificity Soundvisions now) or Pacity Soundions for an LP copy of Pinhead In Fantasia, and BOOK IT to Volcanic Toungue to grip the release’s accompanying DVD and HR GIGER’S STUDIOLO, a “3 HOUR DOUBLE TAPE CASSETTE [that] …IS LIKE MR. HOLLAND’S OPUS ON SPICE,” which are BOTH sold out at the label.
• Pacificity Soundvisions:
• Underwater Peoples: