Rick Rab is really on a collaboration kick this year. NANNY has be real tite, but now another fresh BREEEZE has been added to the mix and the Baltimore R[ab]&B[rown] picked up a digital EP on HOSS Records entitled, PRECIOUS CARGO. Lotta fucking hyperlinks there, proving how busy the fellah has been. And PRECIOUS CARGO is exactly the crooked smile mood I’m in right now. Trying to be as nice as possible to people before just losing my shit. Keeping cool. Being the anti gravity. It’s some hard shit to maintain. Know who proves it via sound? LOL @3:07 mark of “I’ll Be Home For Thanksgiving” too. Exactly fellahs. Proof is below. Wonder if they made it for the holiday weekend..
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• BREEEZE: https://soundcloud.com/breeeze-1
• HOSS Records: http://hossrecords.com