Tiny Mix Tapes

Four Tet, Jamie xx, John Talabot, and Koreless contribute two-minute scores for acrobatic short film


This is the type of project that I might’ve been tasked with as an undergrad, except in my emerging years as an amateur harnesser of phat-ass beats, the best that I could pull off at the time was something a little more digital and coherent than your average gutter-based, trash lid tune. Luckily for artist and director Sofia Mattioli, she’s recruited some personnel a bit more experienced in music composition and, more crucially, a bit more capable when it comes to memorable compositions for film. Forgive the implication of full-length scores; instead, what’s been offered to the musicians in question is a two-minute silent short, recorded on an iPhone, designed to remind us all how physically inflexible we are. Yeah, so what if you can flip and twirl and stuff, Mattioli?! How is that important in life?

The complete project is called “Continuum,” and part one features Jamie xx, Four Tet, Koreless, and John Talabot each crafting a two-minute musical piece to accompany the recorded human barrel rolls. Listen in full below, but it’s strongly advised (by me) that you watch over yonder to get the full effect. The results are “Kubrick-ian,” perhaps, but they’re also a true demonstration of artistic complement. How enthralling…

• Sofia Mattioli: http://sofiamattioli.com