Like the same kitsch of an air-brushed Myrtle Beach muscle shirt, braided pink extensions in tight rows, and sandals with bottle openers on the soles, Magic Fades’ new album Push Thru is the equivalent of these features adorning a dolphin splashing out the ocean and perfectly arcing it’s body over the sunrise. In my prior post, I wrote about a specific piece of subtly in the new Magic Fades’ cassette on 1080p Collection, and I’ve figured it out: humor. There’s a lighthearted tongue-and-cheek sense of humor Push Thru employs in the lyrics that play satire to boy-bands like One Direction, or even Backstreet Boys, while diving into the common silliness of modern tropes in American language and phrasings. This subtle sense of humor is very well utilized in the album, and also super hidden until that one lyric (varies per person) strikes you, and then you like, “Wait, WTF? This is filthy-good. MORE!”
CUT TO: the newest Magic Fades video for “Ecco” — a title that’s a flagrant nod to ecco/vaporwave musicians currently treating the genre as a karaoke studio in Koreatown. In the Chris Cantino directed video, Magic Fades visually shows their humor a bit further with a nice lil storyline and borderline homages to Ghost and Puff Daddy’s “I’ll Be Missing You.” Scope “Ecco” by Magic Fades below, grip Push Thru on 1080p Collection ASAP, and check out the album release party this Saturday in Portland!
• Magic Fades:
• 1080p Collection: