You’re inches away from owing someone thousands of dollars, and just by grazing their side against your, it’s -like- at least a grand. The weather is perfect, sky is just right, and left of the wheel is some coolada pouch containing WAY more rum than mix. Thus, your lax is just about max’d, but so is the agita increasing its level within your esophagus, burning every bit of taste that drank has to simmer. So where does the medium exist? It’s certainly not a tangible existence, as is rarely of the physical and eating Tums like M&Ms does nothing by chalkboard your insides.
Imagine a space in which you control. Not the weather or light, necessarily, but the people you let in. This space is of “Courtyard Music.” Different from the entanglement of the daily DARK WEB, keeping the strangers at-bay, but just as jux’d and settling. Just another friendly pinch from your old pal Giant Claw. And unfortunately it’s just a pinch (a.k.a. [except]), ‘cause rumor has it, he’s getting back into these types of jams, and resolutions tell me he’s going to pick up where he left off in 2013, by releasing an unfathomable amount of releases again in 2015. Prepared? Reduce that acid reflux and alkaline it with an excerpt of “Courtyard Music” below:
• Giant Claw: