Aphex Twin was recently quoted as saying, “Basically a computer can’t do distortion.” DOS4GW disagrees, as his latest, Suiside B, proves that computers do indeed distort. Not to be confused with glitch, the followup to 2012’s Suicide finds DOS4GW pushing electronic experimentation beyond its disk space limits, past the point where a personal computer might expectedly spew micro-repetitive audio fragments, to the point where your hardware goes fuck it and commits digital suicide; hence, the album title.
Suiside B isn’t the glitch; it’s the crash, the bled-dead machine’s final admission of defeat, and the droning celebration of a triumphant tyrant – a ruthless killer dubbed DOS4GW.
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• DOS4GW: http://www.dos4gw.com
• Smokers Cough: http://smokerscough.net