That moment one boss is telling you things are going down hill, and the other is saying, “What? You’re totally fine. There are other projects, for sure!” Clicking across your mind bares a mid-projected, outerly reflected warp that measures itself messy in a vision that only doppelgängers the eyesight in a coup de grâce fashion. Brother’s gotta eat so he don’t topple his head; the bowl is half full, and that’s not positive thinking. Traversing the cubicled terrain, the only thought is, “The woods are not what they seem.” It’ll fade, yeah.
“The woods are not what they seem” was composed and filmed on super 8mm by Benjamin Finger; the audio was taken from the compilation album Meditations 2, which is coming out on Shimmering Moods Records January 2015. The whole deal was shot in select locations of Seattle and Vancouver, with help from Asbjørn Nilsen. Benjamin Finger also has an album coming out March 2015 on Shimmering Moods Records entitled, Motion Reverse. So if you feeling the gravitational effects of “The woods are not what they seem,” you’ll probably enjoy a longer sway from him in March!
• Benjamin Finger:
• Shimmering Moods Records: