Just around the corner is another corner, leading around the block, now. There’s an escape, but it varies in direction so, that if there were direction, it’d lead demise. Not that finding an exit wont frame death, but there’ll definitely be some danger. And a whole lot of questing. The puzzle is where it ensnares, though. Around the ear drums with whispers and trickles, warped tears and tings, animals and bugs chirping. This isn’t the world of reality; a realm of physics. It’s a world “for Rj ay.” Where Rj ay at? Trapped? Lost? Or so entangled within abdalab clutches, that slowly each listener becomes this bit of vice. Squirm to your hearts content. Then it’ll explode. What a gorgeous mess, no?
abdalab hit me with “for Rj ay” a few days back, and it hooked my creativity instantly. Stoked to hear what he has in store for minds this year. Listen to “for Ry ay” below:
• abdalab: https://soundcloud.com/abdalab