Tiny Mix Tapes

Intolerant - Snow Stained With the Blood of Traitors [CS; Prison Tatt]


I’m not sure what it is about Snow Stained with the Blood of Traitors that has stayed in the back of my mind since it arrived on my doorstep, but its blackened lofi metal appeal is unmistakable. What really stands out about Intolerant, however, is the synths. They’re all over this compilation, and they’re cheap and sloppy, too, not always a recipe for victorious warfare. It comes together in a messy manner, and from a distance it looks like a sandstorm, whirling in on itself and causing chaos unto anything it touches. Get closer and the chaos remains; in fact, as with a lot of those older Striborg recordings (and infinite others), half the fun seems to be figuring out what’s actually going on beneath the layers of crop-dusted fuzz. Intolerant probably recorded these ‘tunes’ into a cheap jukebox and called it good, then years later threw some synths overtop; strangely, even if that were the case, it wouldn’t matter to me. I realize I gush every time a scrap of metal meat gets thrown onto my plate but DAMN, it’s tasty right down to the bone. Motherfucker, listen to metal (sometimes).