Tiny Mix Tapes

Free Dust - I: Population: Ashtray I: Population: Ashtray


Yo, I know dust is free, M. Sage. You ain’t tellin’ me nothin’ new. Fucking dust is mostly dead skin, and our bodies are priceless, so yeah, hence the free thing. Who could put a price on existence?

K, now that I’m done razzing old Sagey pants, lets get down to brass tacks. DON’T SIT ON BRASS TACKS! Okay, but for real this time, I: Population: Ashtray — the first installment of the quarterly project by Patient Sounds boss Matthew Sage — is the opposite of quick punchlines and irony and organ harvesting. Its dust. It collects and builds. It settles. Its honest and pure, decaying into the air and filling the room with contemplative reverberations.

Listen to the whole album below, and be on the lookout for part II, coming sometime next year, if my understanding or quarterly is correct.

• Free Dust: https://freedust.bandcamp.com