Tiny Mix Tapes

They Spunks - A Sporran Of Carrots A Sporran Of Carrots


Some things never change. For instance, you watch ONE (okay, six) Lil Penny commercial on YouTube, and then its Penny Marshall this, and Abe Lincoln that. Gah YouTube, quit telling me what to watch. I’m a free-thinking searching-surfer, and your recommendations can’t influence me (but srly thx bunches for that Pen Marsh binge. Toats lawlz-ville).

One other thing that never changes: the glory of a bizarre, groovy, and noisy rock record. See: A Sporran Of Carrots. Australian freaks They Spunks sound like they smashed their 4-track with a toy firetruck, put it back together with a dog’s collar, then used it to recorded some tracks. Then, if I may continue to indulge myself, they sent their songs off to Albert’s Basement with a note attached that read: We know you weren’t expecting this, but sorry for the delay. That probably didn’t happen, but you get the idea. All I mean is A Sporran Of Carrots is weird enough to keep your attention, but also weird enough to keep your attention. Oh wait, I already said that. What I meant was it’s weird enough to keep you attention, but good enough to weird your intentions. Shit. That’s not what I meant. Just buy this tape.

• Albert’s Basement: http://www.albertsbasement.net