If you’re a hot head, as so many of us are, then I’ve got a song to help push that hot-headedness of yours deep, deep down. I mean, just try to be miffed while “sashay” is fingering your earholes. Ain’t gonna happen. Fuck, the track makes you want to sashay with the pride of a clueless debutant. Go ahead, stride it out. Shit, stride it out to that violin loop. You know the one. Yeah, the one deep in the background that makes EVERYTHING around you better. Yeah, that’s the one. But don’t get too caught up. I mean, don’t forget to keep strolling. Side swipe some eyes with your gait. Pause for a bit, too. Pretend one of your shoes is untied, but also that you don’t care. Bend a bit to fix it, then mentally say, “Nah, that shit don’t bother me,” and get back to sashaying.
“sashay” is a track off tropes’ newest album, doublebent. Check out the whole thing here.
• tropes: https://soundcloud.com/tropes
• tropes: https://tropes.bandcamp.com