Tiny Mix Tapes

Catacombz - “Wolf Apartment” “Wolf Apartment”


After ten years, a handful of lineup changes, and numerous side projects taking center stage, Milwaukee’s Catacombz have called it quits. Their final EP, II, was quietly unleashed prior to their final show back in December. In a piece in a Milwaukee Record, the band state that a number of factors contributed to the demise of the band, including a member’s impending move to California, but the reality is they hadn’t played as Catacombz for some time. It’s fitting that they got back together long enough to record a couple of choice tracks and say goodbye to the fans and community that was their home for so many years. Streaming below is “Wolf Apartment,” a rough-edged burner that brings me back to some of their incredible, energetic live shows I got to see when I lived in Wisconsin.

Although Catacombz may be gone, guitarist Issac Sherman has a new project on the horizon (tentatively called Storm Chaser); Joseph Peterson struts it out on stage as Rio Turbo and as a member of Platinum Boys; and keyboardist Sam LaStrapes has an as yet untitled solo project in the works. It’s too bad to see another great Milwaukee band call it quits, but at least there was one last chance for new tunes from this inimitable group.

Catacombz: http://catacombz.bandcamp.com