Back on the old-school beat is Joe Knight (a.k.a. Rangers), resurfacing MORE of that “few years back” magic, and this time, he’s including the likes of Peter Berends (KWJAZ) on bass and Anthony B.C. (Swanox) on drums, including vocals from Aaron Freifeld. This is what makes up the March to May 2011 San Francisco band, Doors U.S. And to be honest, it’s VERY different from everyone’s typical work, but good old Joe. Eh, even slightly Joe. Just because there’s this post-post-hardcore vibe to it (mostly the faux breakdowns and absence of vocals where I’d expect vocals), but way jammier, which makes me think the JAM is how they all interact well together, assuming solo-jamming is how these fellahs typically make their particular project’s music. Actually heard they opened for Milk Music back in the day too!
At any rate, it’s sorta like when Aley Gray did Earth Surfers, and went completely hardcore punk. Again, not that different for Gray, considering he’s a rythm man to his core, but just another voice he wished to express to the music world. This is exactly what I’m picking up here with Doors U.S. It’s like a live-in and/or neighbor vibe of everyone just old-school rockin’ out just to muster up inspiration for their own projects. Possible even that a lot of these Self Titled EP tracks (streaming below) could have mustered up ideas in their individual works, slighting to some deep underground worship. So worship the Doors U.S. work below for as long as you need. It’ll seep in nicely, and there’s some strong backing to it that spun into more:
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• Joe Knight Music: