Tiny Mix Tapes



Holy hard-ass beats, GOLDDIGGA just punched out all yo brains so you can become REBORN. And from his name alone, you can pretty much surmise this fellah went DEEP in the NYC record sales scene, and has found some esoterica that’s unheard of by the people who even made it! You got hard/light vocal/piano pairings. Twisted out effects on voices, making them seem more part of the melody. Ambient record crackling into the warmest sunset you’ve felt in music for years. Snaps echoing into a flare of soft snares. Guitar and xylophone. It’s the sorta shit jazz was talking about when they took away physical vibrated instruments, including voice. GOLDDIGGA basically made modern-day jazz, REBORN.

Listen to REBORN by GOLDDIGGA streaming below, and find it for FREE on his Bandcamp!

• GOLDDIGGA: http://golddigga.bandcamp.com