“A new album from the master of terror and suspense,” read the words printed along the spine of this beast’s back. If you know Boy Froot, then you know these words aren’t exactly wrong. He’s the Murnau here of a film called “Terrordome vol. VII,” the next in the series of vicariously vicious villains, collected once again into scene after blood-curdling scene. This one’s just brimming with the gruesome, the gripping (A couple of chase scenes?), the psycho-sexual, the violent, all expertly orchestrated into a really cohesive mix of experimental hip-hop (although I’m remiss to call this stuff “hip-hop” exactly). The seventh TERRORDOME stands out a little from the previous six collections Froot’s assembled in that there’s no rapping or vocals whatsoever, save for a few samples, which is ok by me given the fact that the usual suspects (Bonglestar, WRS, Night Park) bring some of their best work to date. And that’s not to mention the new characters making their first appearances in this sequel. Of particular note is Foxtrot Stowaway, who steals the show early with the crawling second track, “Face Planting Castles,” a subtle banger that unwinds like a Detroit techno tune that’s been to hell and back. The whole scene these compilations represent, which includes ambient players, noise players, hip-hop players, synthscapers, beat-makers, on and on… it’s all just getting better and better while remaining criminally overlooked in experimental music circles. So jot a note down in your mental pad about Live God Records, Boy Froot, and the entire TERRORDOME gang now and impress your nerd friends at the next weirdo-convention before vol. VIII drops and blows everyone’s minds.
[Visit full site to view media]VOLUME VII by TERRORDOME”