Self-released at the tale-end of last year, the cryptically titled 56:12 is an engrossing six-song EP written and recorded by Bushwick-based Iowa native Anthony Fippinger, also known as ANT X.
Excited by the somewhat discreetly flourishing national hip hop DIY scene and from following up on the latest production-oriented trends in mainstream hip hop, and inspired by his experiences in adjusting both socially and on a personal level to living in New York City and frequenting its Brooklyn music scene, Fippinger decided to plunge headlong for the first time into engaging rap music exclusively, but through a producer’s or an engineer’s approach, perspective, and sensibilities.
The result is nothing if not at the very least an intriguing combination of minimalistic rap-speak shrouded and embellished by thematically consistent rich and abrasive atmospheres and soundscapes, the partial product of the songwriter’s embrace of working with a limited set of equipment, sans any computer.
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• ANT X: