Tiny Mix Tapes

Devon Folklore Tapes Vo.II - Graves (excerpt) Graves (excerpt)


The corpse eye gets a squint of daylight as the coffin creaks open. Dancing in the daylight is the rhythm of collage. Dancing with the rhythm, adults, masked, in children’s bodies. Their footsteps evoke death ritual, a sluggish live action “Skeleton Dance” struck with the Horror of Hammer. Behind the footsteps, an abandoned Catalina floats in the Gulf.

—feat. Ghédalia Tazartès as Christopher Lee, a field researcher carrying an emerald vial filled with poison, just in case.

The corpse mouth swallows the poison, then the dirt. More dirt, Earth’s natural animal muffler.

• Folklore Tapes: http://www.folkloretapes.co.uk/