Tiny Mix Tapes

Benjamin Finger - “Pleasurably Lost” “Pleasurably Lost”


I think the element that keeps me coming back to Benjamin Finger’s music the most is everything seems genuine. Like, none of the song or video for “Pleasurably Lost” seems like he’s shooting for the new hot sound, or replicating a sizzling new genre. I mean, the sound in this is akin to the next step Mum or Our Brother the Native. As if this were the direction twee-Weird America should’ve taken. Either way, Benjamin Finger would’ve made it, it feels. And none of this is IN YOUR FACE. The psychedelic elements are subtle, lingering to be heard upon the second or third listen. Light twinkles of piano keys or echoing voices. Dropping notes into a glass pond.

Either way, the Benjamin Finger bases “Pleasurably Lost” on textures. Sort of like waking up in an unfamiliar crop of soy, and walking home seems more like an adventure in feeling around than focusing on one specific direction or way-point. It’s the little things in life you cherish the most. And seemingly, Benjamin Finger is “Pleasurably Lost” in those finite bits. Have a another listen!

• Benjamin Finger: https://soundcloud.com/fbfinger
• Eilean Records: http://www.eilean-records.com