Being that he’s been one of cassette culture’s strongest advocates and experts for years (or at least as long as I’ve been crazy enough to be following this stuff), it should come as no surprise that the first batch of tapes from Words on Sounds editor-in-chief Scott Scholz’s new Tymbal Tapes imprint is terrific. We’re here today to help usher in this days-young label to you Chocolate Grinderers out there, and we’re doing it with a video for “Levee Camp” off Peter Kris’ contribution to the batch, Nunavut. This one’s a triple threat — not only did Scholz recruit one of today’s more prolific musical geniuses of our time in the German Army-member and perennially anonymous PK for the music, but the tape’s stylish J-card is outfitted with a fresh-but-familiar look for Tiny Little Hammers, and the video was created by the go-to for video-mulch, Mr. Moduli TV himself. The vibe here is one of sheer leisure; an easy-going brain vacation, exploring some warm, colorful, carefree climate. Kris’ guitar and amplifier are at the center of Nunavut with shimmering notes bouncing off the pickups in quivering tremolos, and overtones bleeding into one another to deliver a satisfying smear of the senses.
Kris joins The Dept. of Harmonic Integrity and David Mascovich for the first three tapes from Tymbal, which are available even as I type and you watch the below beauty:
• Peter Kris:
• Tymbal Tapes: