Fuck, I’m so far removed from music in society. Sure I’ll write about anything I can get into my ears, but I don’t even know how to pronounce Daniel Loptain’s name verbally, let alone 90% of the musicians I cover. Shit, I’d pretty much mispronounce HOME BLITZ if I had the opportunity, and not purposefully. And I also gotta stop being such a negative Nancy about songs like “I’m That Key,” because (eventually) the idea that “[Copied material is better than being original]” will ring true again in my head, but I only equate rockier or poppier musics to commercialization of art, rather than something just conjured up. However, our old-and-dearest-and-latest news editor, Squeo hit me up about HOME BLITZ, and I’d like to practice being respectful, so here I go:
As I’m losing my hearing at 29 in only my left ear — it sounds like I wake up in an underwater tunnel every day, and sometimes at work, I’ll hear frequencies just fading out — HOME BLITZ really slays this pop-punk angle with a -gaze element hidden through some of the lingering notes and expanded melodies on “I’m That Key.” Yet, the track goes through layers of melodies and hyper-movements, changing the time signature, seamlessly picking up where they left off, and what’s that a banjo? And the singers keep their vocals at a very similar punk tone that’s a kind mix between Rancid and Elliott Smith. So, can “I’m That Key” be your Spring-gaze “What’s My Name Again” jam in 2015? Keep clicking that repeat below and build that sucker up!
• HOME BLITZ: http://homeblitz.bandcamp.com
• Testoster Tunes: https://soundcloud.com/testostertunes