Tiny Mix Tapes

Hey Mother Death - “Highway” “Highway”


Paper Bag Records picked up the Hey Mother Death 12-inch Highway from last year (their follow up to the S/T three-track compilation), so they made a super lush video for the title track! Having already put out “The Hills” video last year, a track off the 12-inch, Hey Mother Death finds audible-visual zones that’ll trip you out watching it, or while walking the dog an image will slip in and terrify, or wake you up while driving late at night on the….

Lotta work is dressing the depth of sounds in the video for “Highway,” here. Just how crisp it is in comparison to “The Hills” video makes me think there’s some more on the up for this Canadian duo. So do some research on em and we’ll get back at y’all with more soon!

• Hey Mother Death: http://heymotherdeath.com
• Paper Bag Records: http://paperbagrecords.com