When Ou Du Monde was rereleased in 2012, my brain cracked itself out my skull, walked over to the stereo, turn’t the dial up and broke it clean off, hit the DMT bong real hard, popped back in, sat me straight, and I haven’t been the same since. So when Proposito Records hit me with the La Main Lachee banger news that Mpala Garoo ain’t finished with ears, my mind flew to Brazil, made out with another brain, hopped the next flight back, and got me up for work this morning. Now, above is the teaser trailer, just because. But below is where all the La Main Lachee action happens. And the bliss is not worth the miss.
Mpala Garoo is completely swagged out in an arena that I’m not even familiar with. It sits within a vibe of non-music and audible psychedelic purity. There’s a tainted nature to the fluidity of direction in La Main Lachee, and a more omniscient narrator than any on character or musician. Like trying to catch a breath at the last possible second, swallowing a mouth full of water, and becoming one with nature. Proposito Records is giving us this opportunity BELOW:
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• Mpala Garoo: https://soundcloud.com/jungletriangle
• Proposito Records: https://propositorecs.bandcamp.com