Tiny Mix Tapes

Potions - “Lake Swim” “Lake Swim”


Very rarely do I cover Hausu Mountain, but merely because I’d going HAM on the label if old Maxwell didn’t have stake in it [Editor/Writer Note: Disclaimer, u kno u kno u kno u kno u kno u kno]. Shit, even rarer than that do I ever expect a 100% Silk tape on a label like Hausu. However, it DOES make sense, considering the label appears to be designed around musicians/artists functioning with electronics to distribute their sounds. So they ain’t too far from their typical gestation. ABORT, C, ABORT!

Anyhow, TMT is undoubtedly — bias ;) — fans of the Hausu and Potions, and are too stoked on this new batch of tapes! And singling out “Lake Swim” seems like the perfect starting point to introduce the sound of Light and Dark (out May 26) to listeners. Ya-ya, that steady beat going hard on the soft, but more-so, I find “Lake Swim” (metaphorically) to be Potions imperfecting something pristine with professional skill. Mostly just referring to the glassy synthetics throughout. As if this lake is a perfectly flat/calm mirror of the morning sky — it’s totally a morning jam, btw — and Potions is there to give it a ripple or two. It’s magic. It’s “Lake Swim.” It’s fucking Hausu Mountain: DID YOU EXPECT DISAPPOINTMENT?

Scope Potions’ newest 2015 single “Lake Swim” below from their Hausu Mountain release Light and Dark CS out May 26:

• Potions: http://www.prettyallright.com
• Hausu Mountain: http://hausumountain.com