Tiny Mix Tapes

Holly Waxwing - “Vibe” “Vibe”


I’ve recently been shit talking a lot of bands and musicians continuing to produce/make music that sounds like their sole interest is to earn money. Not that that’s BAD [or intended as ART], but it makes me feel like 1) people who do this are trying to get their art noticed by using techniques The Beatles, Jay-Z, Elvis, [television commercials] used for YEARS to instigate a marketable popularity or 2) the people making this music are completely delusional and are creating an audience of delusional people. Or, for the alternative, 3) these people are trying to make music this way because it appeases their parents (a generation built on making music their parents thought was “noise”), who probably paid $3k to a mid-level PR firm to distribute shit, so they can tell their friends comfortably, My kid is an artist.

Thankfully, we got Holly Waxwing on the “Vibe.” Shoot, if it weren’t for players trying to make and progress sounds being used NOW that “old-fogies” would turn off, I’d probably have no hobby in music. Holly Waxwing makes music worth giving a chance, and “Vibe” is exactly that chance. Constructed on plethora of bubble-gum base elements, “Vibe” also wields plenty of Giant Claw -esque sample-ooze, Seth Graham sporadic background mixing, and a cut-out-but-still-there beat akin to Jono Mi Lo’s mixes. Bottom line, this “Vibe” is cute as all hell. I would love being in a constant realm of “Vibe” until Holly got me poppin’ on another tune.

“Vibe” is the primary single for the new Holly Waxwing EP on Cascine out TODAY, with a cassette on Noumenal Loom coming soon!

• Holly Waxwing: https://soundcloud.com/hollywaxwing
• Cascine: http://www.cascine.us
• Noumenal Loom: http://noumenalloom.com