While many shades of house and techno have experienced a revival of sorts these past few years, vocal house has sadly not been one of them. The standard house track takes a vocal sample and slices and dices to the desired effect, but with Portland’s Gemini Lion, there is one person singing (J. Green) and one person making the music (Avalon Kalin). Kalin’s production, which should be familiar to 100% Silk fans from his work in Polonaise, is crisp and lean, with hints of acid here, and many deep, rafter rattling bass lines there. J. Green is a natural in his role as MC, sing-speaking his way through the “Adoration” EP’s four tracks.
The closer, “Best Believe (Hot Mix),” is a sick rave anthem that has that 3 A.M. dance party vibe, when things get a little too hazy, but you keep on going because why the hell not?!? “Best Believe” and the rest of Gemini Lion’s slim output works well as a headphone listen (which most of you reading are likely doing), but the natural habitat for jams like these are at some warehouse party, late at night, with glow sticks in hand, and a pilly on every tongue :)
• 100% Silk: http://www.listentosilk.com
• Gemini Lion: http://theecstasyblog.blogspot.com