Tiny Mix Tapes

James Fella and Filthy Grin - “I Need To Borrow A Broom (I’m Local)” “I Need To Borrow A Broom (I’m Local)”


Avant, experimental, noise, art, etc. Anything you get can your hands on to convey a message greater than entertainment or genre. Thus, James Fella and Filthy Grin presents to the entire world, “I Need To Borrow A Broom (I’m Local).” No matter how much you hate traffic or a cold office, walking a thousand miles to get to work or not putting on enough clothes to keep warm, “I Need To Borrow A Broom (I’m Local)” is coupled in the throws of pure destruction. Though, as ouroboros implies characteristically, everything and everyone will eat itself. Now, I’d like to think that the Gilgongo Records 7-inch including “I Need To Borrow A Broom (I’m Local)” was really just James Fella and Filthy Grin practicing to hunt, prey and trying to eat each other. Shit gets primal and brutal but all-at-once beautiful. Here’s the set-up:

The empty room, like the rest of the house, had a concrete floor. Littered with miscellaneous pieces of wood, random bicycle parts and unidentified metal objects, the room itself was essentially the instrument of choice.

Cables ran under the door and through the air conditioning vents. Of all of the times that I had recorded various things with Gerald Biggs at YOBS, this was by far the most unorganized, but ultimately the most organic and cathartic.

• James Fella: http://www.jamesfella.com
• Filthy Grin: https://soundcloud.com/filthy-grin
• Gilgongo Records: http://www.gilgongorecords.com