Crystal skylines crashing upon the city of Cyprus sunset. A silhouette freckled with red and white and [neon] lights, while flickering in the corner: Cyprus Skate Plaza. It’s a hoodlum haven of ramps and pipes, drops, rails, wax, green ponytails linked to nose rings, lounge-like, WAX; the TOPAZ☯GANG has settled. Holed up in the abandoned Cyprus Commons Mall, geeks and yung and snot and toxic members of the [Suites] fight corporate and government infiltration in order to maintain their living quarters. Some “Sk8 2Gether,” others “Sk8 in the Rain,” and some merely watch the “Rainfall.” Focused and fortified goons up in the old sports store pumping between brawls with cops. Boarders ridin’ in hot, stacked with jackets full of unopened electronics and Doritos and. “Thoughts of you,” “I don’t smoke weed to feel like I’m on drugs,” and other positive outlooks tag-scrawled just about everywhere. Cyprus Skate Plaza coming in on the hard pleasant, and TOPAZ☯GANG ain’t backing down. :)
Hi. TOPAZ☯GANG just released one of the most conceptual albums of the year, Cyprus Skate Plaza. I mean, it could be anything, rly. But imagine all that above in varying 32- and 64-bit graphixx?? Like, and Illuminated Paths (although, I believe isn’t one for video games, but…) would be the sort of label to get a hold of an old Super Nintendo cartridge maker, find someone to make a video game for Cyprus Skate Plaza, and release it —straight up— exclusive for SNES owners. Maybe that’s too capitalist. Or maybe just get someone who makes hacked ROMS, and put the new TOPAZ☯GANG tape to OST it. Either way, Cyprus Skate Plaza is grizzly, even when it’s not intentional, there’s a strong vibe on atmosphere and (even) psychedelic elements that grasp listeners like the perfect feel. You know the one. And Illuminated Paths is here to help you reel it out.
Listen to Cyprus Skate Plaza [Suites] by TOPAZ☯GANG below, and head to the Illuminated Paths website for a legit-ass tape. No joke:
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