Yesterday, Ariel gloriously WENT IN on the most recent Boiler Room GFOTY video from SXSW this year, and I couldn’t help to further scope out the others. Then A. G. Cook entered my life — again. Time after time, he’s been managing to shift the way I think about music and daily living, and I can’t shake a bunch of shit now.
If live DJ sets could be AOTY-worthy, SOPHIE’s Ray Ban x Boiler Room performance would’ve been my #1 last year. And no doubt, I feel like my life is less like a box of turds, and more just a potentially dumb-dubbed mix of interactions that are neither necessary nor relevant. For example, why even write about A. G. Cook’s “Boiler Room SXSW DJ Set?” It’ll be just as fleeting two years later to me as it is important now. Same level of interest, but opposite spectrum.
Yet, there’s a completeness to A. G. Cook’s “Boiler Room SXSW DJ Set.” An entire whole. Memories wrapped within. Shells of others full of sound: absolutely nothing physical. Just thoughts of driving and whistling and dancing alone. Smoking irresponsible amounts of reefer. Finding out about speed and/or velocity. Moving friends in the city. Tango lessons at my dad’s elementary school. Folk music made with computers. Density. Clarity. Piles left along the side of the road. New found treasure. Hunts.
2015 isn’t ready. 2012 wasn’t ready. You’re never ready. Put A. G. Cook’s “Boiler Room SXSW DJ Set” on repeat below and watch life pass you by:
• A. G. Cook:
• PC Music: