If photos weren’t a revelation as to Laurel Halo’s actual appearance, you might expect a wardrobe consisting of only red overcoats and matching wide-brimmed hats that double as improvised parachutes. We aren’t necessarily wondering “where in the world” the native Michigander is, since that information is made plenty public, but we do have to be concerned with regular attempts at spy misdirection, since Halo’s recent releases have taught us that expectations are mostly meaningless. Everything you know is a lie. Chance Of Rain was more a return to King Felix (the moniker, not the EP) than a continuance of the unorthodox Quarantine. Giraffes don’t actually have long necks. What’s the advantage of label loyalty these days?
So here’s the the deceptive gift, in all its wonderfulness: per FACT, Laurel Halo’s imminent plans are to release an eight-track double EP on Honest Jon’s, her newfound label affiliation following two releases on Hyperdub and more on Hippos In Tanks prior to that. Collaborations aside, she hasn’t released a full-length since 2013’s Chance Of Rain, so we might’ve expected an LP instead. Do two EPs count? Someone abate my confusion!
The double EP is slated for September. Stay tuned for more details sent via encoded message.
• Laurel Halo: http://www.laurelhalo.com
• Honest Jon’s: http://honestjons.com