Everyone’s favorite Kanye-collaboratin’, underwear hockin’, water bottle savior Evian Christ has just announced that he’s signed to everyone’s favorite album-releasin’ Star Trek technology, Warp Records.
Now, I’ll bet that because Evian Christ is usually the sort of musician who releases mixtapes and EPs (in addition to dying in the recycling bin for our sins), and because Warp is the type of label that facilitates the releasing of albums by people just like (and even somewhat unlike) Christ, you’re assuming that this little bit of news means he has a new album coming soon. Well, you’re wrong (at least for now). Instead, how about you try a “unique and informative” installation at London’s ICA on for size? Because that’s exactly what Christ has planned.
In collaboration with designer David Rudnick, the installation will cover Europe’s Trance War, which according to the press release is a totally real thing that started in 1998 and is still going to this day. The installation will present “an archive of publications, pamphlets and posters spanning the period of Trance expansion to its eventual contemporary ruin” in addition to “Britain’s first public monument in commemoration of the 30,000 dogs whose lives were lost during the disputed conflict.” I’m not too proud to say that I just got a little sad; that’s a lot of dead dogs!
The installation will run from July 23 through July 26.
• Evian Christ: https://www.facebook.com/evianchrist
• Warp: http://warp.net