Tallesen’s newest EP inca is out TODAY on Bootleg Tapes, and not to spoil its review I wrote for next week, I’ll just list the basic ideas below that one can focus upon while listening. These will also be ideas you can think about when you attend… THE inca RELEASE PARTY TONIGHT IN NYC, PAL. And as inca follows Tallesen’s most resent work Stills Lit Through on Software, the EP tracks define the stability the NY producer has on ruff-clarity through these four focal points:
timbre \ˈtam-bər, ˈtim-; ˈtam(brə)\ n : the quality given to a sound by its overtones: as
a : the resonance by which the ear recognizes and identifies a voiced speech sound.
b : the quality of tone distinctive of a particular singing voice or musical instrument.
movement \ˈmüv-mənt\ n : the act or process of moving people or things from one place or position to another : the act of moving your body or a part of your body.
milieu \mēl-ˈyə(r), -ˈyü, -ˈyœ; ˈmēl-ˌyü\ n : the physical or social setting in which people live or in which something happens or develops.
observation \äb-sər-ˈvā-shən, -zər-\ n : a statement about something you have noticed : a comment or remark : the act of careful watching and listening
Grip inca by Tallesen on the reel via Bootleg Tapes, listen to it below, and don’t you DARE not experience FOMO b/c u missing the album release party… just come on out! I’ll be wearing the craigslist hat, so say “Hey!” Our pal Paul Bow-Bow and fam will be with me.
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• Tallesen: https://soundcloud.com/tallesen
• Bootleg Tapes: http://bootlegtapes.bandcamp.com