Tiny Mix Tapes

Jesse Osborne-Lanthier & Robert Lippok - Timeline Timeline


When like-minded producers and electronic gurus come together for a “one-shot jam-session,” it’s hard not to be a little wary of the results. Granted, if their track record is solid, one can assume all will be fine; on the other hand, jams can often be indulgent and noodly, resulting in an interesting concept but boring record. Thankfully, that’s not the case with this latest tape from Geographic North, which I think is their best release so far. Timeline, the debut collab between Jesse Osborne-Lanthier (a man of many monikers and groups, though you should def check out his stellar icy techno project The H) and Robert Lippok (To Rococo Rot), is a deep set of chilled-out electronics, ideally suited for the headphone-listening experience. Me, I’m jamming this at work, with a sturdy mug of green tea by my side, letting the sounds transport me away from this goddamn heatwave in the Northwest.

As per usual, GeoNorth houses this release in a killer layout that goes to show the immense care the label puts into both artist curation and packaging. But all branding love aside, this is a tight duo that is sure to please fans of deep, experimental electronics, which I guess is what we used to call “IDM.” Anyway, it’s an edition of 100 tapes that’s sure to go fast, so get on that, if you’re prone to purchasing music in its physical format. :)

• Geographic North: http://geographic-north.com
• Jesse Osborne-Lanthier: https://jesseosbornelanthiernoir.bandcamp.com
• Robert Lippok: http://www.raster-noton.net/artists/robert-lippok