Relentlessness is a commodity these days in New York club scene sounds. It’s all about how long you can test the patience and endurance of the crowd. How many familiar and turn’t sounds can be fucked with before people really start moving the way DJs and producers want? JX CANNON gets immediately on top of all these vibes. Weed Farm is exactly that type of beat grazing JX CANNON is fertilizing with plenty of additives and Sweat Equity NYC that’ll bank enough credibility to sound-system every club in NYC, bouncing between venues every other night. Samples ensnaring mentality. Titles that are completely ribald (whether conscious or subconscious). And a volume level necessity that is only inappropriate when actually tending to your Weed Farm. I just need a fucking job outside of this desk, y’all. For real, if it were legal, I’d go back to school for agricultural sciences, and produce one of the most leading Weed Farms in America. No shit. And guess who I’m hitting up first for a theme song brand?
You down for a music high this Monday? Weed Farm by JX CANNON on Sweat Equity NYC below will do the trick. Take a hit:
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• Sweat Equity NYC: