Tiny Mix Tapes

La Nuit - “Road Snakes” “Road Snakes”


“un voiture, deux voiture, trois voiture, beaucoup de voiture”

Here are three things that most self-identifying intellectuals will admit are pretty fucking great:

1. A woman quietly speaking French.
2. A narrative about aimlessness and futility, involving cars.
3. An 808 kit.

Years of research and thousands of three syllabic compound words have probably been wasted in pretentious art journals, trying to figure out the best way to combine these three fucking great things. Which one comes first? How much 808 is too much? How much delay on the 808 will it take to make the French words resonate in our minds for days? Were we wrong all along because we actually should have been focusing on Belgium?? Félicia Atkinson and Peter Broderick might have your answer, and it’s only 6 minutes long! Atkinson is a prolific sound artist in both the sculpture medium and in noise. Broderick is an American composer and member of Efferklang. Not many details have surfaced about their new collaborative work, Desert Television, but it promises to be sparse, subdued, and steeped in Casio melancholia. You may never need to read art theory again.

• Félicia Atkinson: http://feliciaatkinson.tumblr.com
• Peter Broderick: http://www.peterbroderick.net
• Beacon Sound: https://soundcloud.com/beaconsound