Been awhile.
What’s new…?
I’ve included a family portrait. It’s burnt a bit; we left it on the dashboard, in the Sun, by the Mission. More grey than usual. I am uncertain whether or not this portrait provides insight. It is I fear a complication. The family, they’re alright. I shouldn’t really say anything more. The middle one, the ‘face blind’ one, is still getting lost, into trouble. We had to bury a few of our own this year. As for myself, I have been overdoing it, drinking to the point where I can’t tell the difference between the piano and the fireplace. Looking into its embers now, I can almost make out the hideous expressions of the drowning choir that seems to hang around, dim and glowing, and howling. I’m at the high register, picking and pointing at the dehydrated logs, feeling the choir ache and rumble. Actually, I’m not certain what sounds are the choir, the piano, or the fire. Or my own moans and aches. Or earth not yet taken into account.
Hope all is well with you and yours.
• April Larson: