Tiny Mix Tapes

Roger Eno & Lol Hammond - “Sky Becomes A Loop” (Odd Nosdam Remix) “Sky Becomes A Loop” (Odd Nosdam Remix)


Consider the perfect loop one that begins anew as soon as it ends, such that start and finish eventually become indistinguishable. Now extend that definition beyond the auditory sphere to every aspect of sensory experience. It’s basically impossible to keep track of time when the “Sky Becomes A Loop.”

Case in point: this premiere was supposed to be posted yesterday at noon, but I became so entranced by this remix’s continuous nature that I could no longer conceive of a world in which it wasn’t always streaming for all. And I thought yesterday was Sunday, because I never saw the sun fall. Likewise, Odd Nosdam turned the song in to All Saints Records too late for it to be included on their Greater Lengths compilation. Yet, here it comes and there it goes, streaming when the “Sky Becomes a Loop.”

• Odd Nosdam: https://nosdam.bandcamp.com
• Roger Eno: http://www.rogereno.com
• Lol Hammond: https://twitter.com/lol_vertigo
• All Saints Records: http://www.allsaintsrecords.com