Tiny Mix Tapes

Eco Rem - “Missi” “Missi”


ASAP an apology, written hush-hush; put in SASE. The letterhead must bear a different address, a less sinister street, more accessible. If the language is too cryptic, then the author is suspect. If the language is far too cryptic, then the author is ignored. “What is this gobbledygook?” the recipient might inquire.

The challenge is to code the apology with language from the private sector with just enough passage for algorithm, with enough tinge to pique curiosity. Remember, it’s not their first rodeo. The lasso’s knot can be Celtic. It cannot be chaos. Chaos cannot hold this thing together. And remember, this is not confession. Leave some of your saucier deeds unknown, for the sequel, for future letters. Stay the course and play your cards close.