Tiny Mix Tapes

I really want to be introduced to black metal


Instead of throwing together a bunch of old school Norwegian bands I wanted to make a mix that shows how diverse the genre is.
No Deafheaven. Burn churches. Corpsepaint forever.

01. Bathory - “Massacre”
02. Immortal - “Solarfall”
03. Drudkh - “Summoning the Rain”
04. Thorns - “Shifting Channels”
05. Rotting Christ - “Transform All Suffering into Plagues”
06. Mystifier - “An Elizabethan Devil Worshipper’s Prayer Book”
07. Emperor - “The Majesty of the Nightsky”
08. Mortuary Drape - “Wandering Spirits”
09. Negative Plane - “Stained Glass Revelations”
10. Ulver - “Østenfor Sol og vestenfor Maane”
11. Blasphemy - “Goddess of Perversity”
12. Beherit - “The Gate of Nanna”
13. Darkthrone - “Transilvanian Hunger”