Oh boy, the city hit the kush hard last night, I can’t even see out these sunroom windows. Oh wow, this city is lit. This guy (neighbor?) showed up before dawn with a dozen bagels and tall tees for the whole house! Oh man, is this what Pleasantville was about? Today we’re drinking coffee until we feel like Brad Pitt’s character in 12 Monkeys. Oh no, it’s getting late now, I think. The sun never came out. It’s been 10AM for six hours now. I have two tabs open, trying to figure out what I attribute the phrase “fade to black” to. And §E▲ ▓F D▓G§ is playing through the TV over a slideshow of business-related stock photos like its 2013. But this §E▲ ▓F D▓G§ deserves better than a folder of business-related stock photos. The §E▲ ▓F D▓G§ glitch sequence shivering next to me on this couch is googling “Twitter” to get to Twitter and looking me dead in the eyes. It’s asking for a blanket now. This Yahoo Sports article about Pete Rose memes is taking a while to load. §E▲ ▓F D▓G§ closed all my tabs but its own.
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