Tiny Mix Tapes



Okay, gather this: M. Geddes Gengras & Barnaby Bennett were holed up for a bit of time together (among friends and mind-melt), and cranked out a ton of synthetic zones they later entitled,
OBLIQUE QUANTUMIZATION. But it wasn’t simply just organized, processed and fluidity contextualized; fuck OUTTA HERE with fluid contextualization.
OBLIQUE QUANTUMIZATION is comprised of 18 sections emulating an experience that suddenly changes in random ways, providing various zones that processes into a new one, generating a new sequence for these songs each listen. Although
OBLIQUE QUANTUMIZATION bursts at synaptic seams, sound profit generators M. Geddes Gengras + Barnaby Bennett keep the vibe entirely composed, even though some of this seem like it’s about to teeter off the deep end, there are specific lengths to each of the 18 sections that keep toes just hanging-ten on the edge of that diving board, in preparation for, but not quite pitfalling head-first into pandemonium. Yet, the visuals will be what mostly keeps your cracks pulling form the glue, breaking bounds of colors and visuals in a black and white spastic momentum. The longer you look at this video, the more you’re actually see. Sorta like using a fan for white noise at night and hallucinating music being played or a feign conversation outside, Barnaby flings a pattern in visual disarray for
OBLIQUE QUANTUMIZATION at such a rate that one can see this pool they’re about to dive into, or their success within the near future, or potentially… god-life. Or the universe. But even closing your eyes to
OBLIQUE QUANTUMIZATION, M. Geddes Gengras + Barnaby Bennett mapped such a choose-your-own adventure journey (put to random, so not ACTUAL choice) that repeat listens are not only a MUST, but will continue to reveal more throughout.

OBLIQUE QUANTUMIZATION also doesn’t work off embeddings, as it’s more of an installation piece for your computer. Unfortunately it’s not as useful on digital, hand-held devices, but a trip through the great music master minds of M. Geddes Gengras + Barnaby Bennett will be sure to please advantageous ears everywhere. So
click here if you already haven’t to seek a true light in the meaning of pure musical (and visual) exploration!