Tiny Mix Tapes

A Q U A E - Imediat​.​ez - Elucidário das Paragens I (Buscador) Do Intuito Para Ligar Frases a Partir de Uma (Re​)​Captação de Fontes Imediat​.​ez - Elucidário das Paragens I (Buscador) Do Intuito Para Ligar Frases a Partir de Uma (Re​)​Captação de Fontes


When we were called out here, it was for an unofficial “Bandcamp drop” which we didn’t understand at first, but ended up walking in on a Mr. Noodle in pizza stained underwears e-mailing another Internet anomaly C Monster about some music by this Portuguese fellah A Q U A E, so handling the matter was a real pickle since we’re always out on the street and rarely on the web, and as we began arresting Mr. Noodle, the music struck our innate hostility, turning our frowns into a 30 minute break on a red feinting couch in Mr. Noodle’s apartment, listening to Imediat.ez - Elucidário das Paragens I (Buscador) Do Intuito Para Ligar Frases a Partir de Uma (Re)Captação de Fontes — no idea how I just pronounced that correctly — drinking very relaxing tea that Mr. Noodle keeps eye-dropping a homeopathic (his words) solution into, and… Gary?? Gary, you okay partner? Mr. Noodle, whyyyy phhhlaaaa buuuuu whennn *thuds on floor*