Tiny Mix Tapes

Discogs celebrates 15 years by sharing user data


Discogs came into the TMT offices last week popping bottles of Boone’s Farm like no tomorrow, shouting, “Fifteen years, y’all dick fingers!” We didn’t appreciate being called dick fingers at the time, but in all fairness, our fingers do look like dicks. After the police escorted Discogs out of the building, I spoke with Discogs one-on-one.

“Thanks for posting that article about our upcoming app. It’s going to be the shiiiiit.” Discogs lit up a blunt the size of a dick finger right in front of a cop. “No problem,” I said. “Conga rats on 15 years of success!”

Discogs then pulled a Polaroid out of its pockets, obscuring it. I could see what looked like the numbers four and three. “You like what you see?” Discogs then said, “I’m going to reveal it all to you right now.” The number was $43.5 million in transactions so far this year. I further learned that Discogs has over 6,300,000 recordings and 4 million artists, the largest physical music database in the world.

Discogs continued the celebration into the night, announcing that new features for discovering and trading physical media will be coming to the site.