There ain’t nothing like a well deserved, sloppy cry. Letting those hot, steamy tears flow down your greasy face is a privilege every human is innately entitled to. And what better way to moisten up those eyeball-filled sockets we posses than a lo-fi love song sung by a legend of popular music?
Well, guess what?! I’ve got some good news for you. Roy Orbison — a.k.a. the man in black — has risen from the dead to team up with ORMOLYCKA for a cassette release of some unreleased demos. What this means is that your soon-to-be-streaked cheeks now have the go-ahead to be streaked-filled byway of a preview from the upcoming tape. The track’s entitled “Wonderful You (Unreleased Demo)”, and it’ll be sure to pull at your heartstrings and have your pores filled with salty pools from repeated listens.