When tasked with listening to a four hour ambient album, most of us would balk. And that’s NOT because the music is by any means bad or any way unlistenable. The task at hand is seemingly so great because when have we ever taken such a large amount of precious time, in which our lives ever so slightly creep away into the past, and just chilled out? That opportunity presents itself with the release of Stag Hare’s Tapestry, a four hour, 4xCS chillout sesh from none other than Inner Islands. Composed of sixteen songs, each commissioned by a different individual, and “each made individually and personalized for each patron,” meaning we’ve got a bevy of blissed out tonal zones to sift through over the cold, dark holiday season. What better way to ring in Festivus than by gathering the family around the pole, sitting lotus position, and getting into a collective meditation with Stag Hare on the stereo? We’ve got the whole thing streaming below, so keep your browser tuned in here and crank this up so you don’t have to pay attention to the office holiday party where your boss gets tanked, a co-worker reveals too much personal information, and you realize your holiday bonus is **NOT** coming this year. Mellow out, my friends. Just mellow out.