The moment you realize you’re becoming less yourself the more you forget and get caught up in a whirlwind of activities that entrance the vessel you may call a body into an abstract dance routine, but really you just got a new jorb in the mail room, alone in your own corner, where Breathless by Immune can stretch its reel, soaking the walls in your sweat as twisting long, leg-to-arm arches become something your being paid to do, and the whistle is just about to blow. Heading home on the subway to train to one-mile walk, Breathless continues in the Walkman, flexing the sinew of your ears as much as activating your body into a mode that’s plus-two to agility, strength, and endurance. Level up at home while cooking a mess of grub for dinner, just so there’s leftovers for lunch and dinner tomorrow, and Immune vibes out the living room stereo into the sterile winter neighborhood, blending with the atmosphere of serene movement. But really it’s just another dream installation you’ve programmed within your mind’s eye to organize your thoughts while sleeping, providing a projection of daily events that will happen throughout the infinity of your life.
Dream Catalogue just dropped a hard batch of tapes, including Breathless by Immune. Only the t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 reissue has been snatched up; the other three (at this time) are still up for grabs. Stop reading, click play below, and head on over to their Bandcamp!