Tiny Mix Tapes

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The fog machine fuzzes my vision up, leaving my eyes slimy. Someone with a microphone talks in that dumb American accent of the newsroom. Where did my buddy take me to? A fuckin’ car show?

Here come the hi-hats, almost lazily. They still quantize on or about on time, nodding, somewhat suspiciously, to Atlanta. Enter the car’s faux leather ambience. Who needs these luxuries, like this one seat here has a button that does something when you press it, but I forget what. I dare not touch the button now, not until my friend comes back and reminds me exactly its function, and if I touch it, make no mistake, it will not be me, but another. I could ask those two girls over there, both in bikinis, despite the Minnesotan snow we’re having. Why does this shitty patriarchy think it’s okay to have girls in bikinis at events like this? Fuck. It might take me, if I speed, three hours to get back to Fargo.

What’s this person here telling me now. “The best writing I ever did wasn’t in my home, or a cafe, but in prison.” I’m mishearing a word, maybe two words. Suddenly they’re talking about Rita Ora, of all people. And what’s that coming from that car over there? They’re playing that, at this hour? And where’s my homie?