Shelves and corners maxed out with paperbacks, dollar bin digs, and VHS toss-aways form bonds between certain people. Common collections and attentive finds punctuate friendships with a grimy and age-stained stamp that reads, “Look at what I found.” Personally, I can hardly walk in my room, what with all the cheap shit I treasure. Some of my closest friends weave the same narrow path, each marveling at the prospect of what one might find within the worn stacks throughout our living spaces.
I imagine this is the case for Raeligh, North Carolina based beathead Constrobuz. His closest friends, like him, presumably have piles of vinyl, CDs, and tapes lining their homes, and I get the feeling that this link of salvaged ephemera is a crucial factor in their friendship. Then again, what the fuck do I know?
Certainly, though, the man knows how to chop up a record. With dust in his nail beds and his turntable ever rotating, Constrobuz has proven this once again with his latest batch of beats, Soul Volume 1. Now, he’s been barfing out dope tapes for a minute, but this one is a monster to be digested on its own, whether you are familar with his work or not. A maestro of rearrangement, his ability to flip samples rivals any of the current heads, and Soul Volume 1 only solidifies that fact.